Team and Partners

Principal Investigator:
Ângela Sofia Alves Ferraz


Research Team:
Ricardo Pereira Triães
João Pedro Freire Fonseca da Luz
Luís Manuel Mota dos Santos Figueira
Ânia Liberato Chasqueira
Teresa Rivas Brea
Carlos António Simões Nuno
Ana Mafalda Godinho Borralho da Luz
Beatriz Linberger dos Anjos Oliveira


Promoting Institutions:
Polytechnic Institute of Tomar
TECHN&ART - Centre for Technology, Restoration and Art Enhancement


Partner institutions:
Associação de Defesa do Património Histórico e Natural de Riachos (ADPHNR)
Museu Agrícola de Riachos (MAR)
Bênção do Gado Associação Cultural
Núcleo de Estudos do MAR (NESTMAR)
Núcleo de Artes de Riachos (NAR)


Funding Agency:
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) (FCT)

Funded by national funds, through the FCT, within the scope of the R&D unit TECHN&ART, with reference number UIDB/05488/2020.